discussion 2024-11-04
In the Akash Network chat, participants engaged in various discussions ranging from personal compliments to technical contributions for non-developer contributors' guidebooks. A notable theme was the potential collaboration with Hedg/BoredElonMusk on a base project, which some missed and expressed interest in joining. The community also discussed succession planning post daos.fun expiry, emphasizing that it would be decided through voting after the team deploys the DAO module. Additionally, there was an inquiry about adding translation features to Discord for better communication among non-English speakers like Korean users.
- What is the succession plan post daos.fun expiry?
- Morpheus Skaði: Raised a concern regarding the project's continuity after daos.fun expires, suggesting that it should not be discontinued abruptly and emphasizing its significance in decades to come.
- Will there be any collaborations with Hedg/BoredElonMusk on base?
- Fuzzy: Asked if there is a collaboration between the project and other entities, specifically mentioning Hedg/BoredElonMusk, due to missing information about it.
- Is anyone else getting asked to log in to Discord all the time?
- ATHðŸ¥Hivo: Shared their experience of frequently being prompted to log into Discord and sought confirmation if others were facing similar issues.
Who Helped Who​
- SotoAlt | WAWE helped Morpheus Skaði with concerns over project discontinuation by reassuring them that it's not happening immediately and emphasizing its long-term importance.
- m1hawk.y helped kimidan_ with language barriers in communication on Discord by suggesting the possibility of setting up a Korean channel for better interaction.
Action Items​
- Technical Tasks
- Translation feature setup in Discord (responsible: m1hawk.y)
- Voting on the succession plan post daos.fun expiry (mentioned by shaw)
- Deployment of a DAO module by daos.fun team (awaited by shaw)
- Documentation Needs
- Non dev contributors guide book (requested by exHuman)
- Feature Requests
- Contribution system where users can contribute what they find cool (suggested by SotoAlt | WAWE)
- Korean channel setup for better communication within the community (proposed by m1hawk.y)
- Community Tasks
- More discussions and calls on collaborations with Hedg/BoredElonMusk (mentioned by Fuzzy)
- Continuation of discussion threads to avoid discontinuation concerns post daos.fun expiry (raised by Morpheus Skaði)