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A React hook used to connect app variables to the editor UI.


Each field is an object with properties that revolve around a type.


  • text - A text input field.
  • float - A number input field.
  • switch - A switch modal
  • dropdown - A dropdown box.
  • file - A file input field. Requires useFile.
  • vec3 - A vector input field. [x, y, z]
  • color - A color input field


  • type - The type of the field.
  • key - The key of the field.
  • label - The label of the field.
  • initial - The initial value of the field.
  • placeholder - The placeholder of the field.
  • options - The options of the field (dropdown, switch, etc.)
  • accept - The accepted file types of the field (file input).

Special types:

  • section - A section header. Only has a label property.


import React from 'react'
import { useFields, useFile } from "hyperfy";

export default function App() {
const fields = useFields();
const { text, float, switchValue, dropdownValue, file, position, color } = fields;
const fileUrl = useFile(file);

return (
<text value={`
Text: ${text}
Float: ${float}
Switch: ${switchValue}
Dropdown: ${dropdownValue}
`} color={color}/>
<image src={fileUrl ?? ""} position={position} />

const initialState = {
// ...

export const getStore = (state = initialState) => {
return {
actions: {},
fields: [
type: "text",
key: "text",
label: "Text",
initial: "Hello World",
// placeholder: "Enter text",
type: "float",
key: "float",
label: "Float",
initial: 0.5,
// placeholder: "Enter float",
type: "switch",
key: "switchValue",
label: "Switch",
options: [
{label: "true", value: true},
{label: "false", value: false},
initial: true,
type: "dropdown",
key: "dropdownValue",
label: "Dropdown",
options: [
{label: "Option 1", value: "option1"},
{label: "Option 2", value: "option2"},
initial: "option1",
type: "file",
key: "file",
label: "File",
accept: ".png",
type: "vec3",
key: "position",
label: "Position",
initial: [0, 0.5, 0],
type: "color",
key: "color",
label: "Color",
initial: "white",
type: "section",
label: "Section",

What this app looks like in the Hyperfy editor UI:

Editor Fields